Wilds so vast, the sky stoop to the trees;| the river so clear, moon close to man. 野旷天低树,江清月近人。(孟浩然《宿建德江》)
In that month, nature has charming gleams which pass from the sky, from the trees, from the meadows and the flowers into the heart of man. 大自然在这一月里具有多种感人的光泽,从天上、云端、林木、原野、花枝各方面映入人心。
How could the sky not cry when we have lost our general who was a great man from the sky? 当我们失去了我们的将军,一个从天上下凡的伟人时,苍天怎能不流泪呢?
The Australian aborigines describe a serpent in the sky that descends into the medicine man and gives him intense, otherworldly powers. 澳洲原住民描述天上的一条蛇降临到世间,进入药师体内,赐予他强大、非凡的力量。
It was a very cold morning, the sky bright and without a cloud, but Silver and his man were standing in a low mist. 那是个寒冷、明亮的早晨,天上没有一丝云,西尔弗和他的同伙在低低的雾霭中站着。
To believe is to see angels dancing among the clouds, To know the wonder of a stardust sky and the wisdom of the man in the moon. 信念就是看见天使在云端舞蹈,知道星空的惊奇以及月球人的智慧。
The sky in not less blue because the blind man does not see it. 天空不会因为盲人的看不见而变的不那么蓝了。
Before he can see the sky? How many ears must one man have? 一个人要用心听多少次才能听见别人的哭泣?
Hills defined against the evening sky; the setting sun showed the outlined figure of a man standing on the hill. 夜晚的天空下轮廓清晰的小山;下山的太阳照出了站在山顶上的一个清晰的人影。
The sky becomes azure only after storm; whereas man senses sweetness only when in agony. 天空,只有经过暴雨的洗涤后才会蔚蓝;人,只有在最痛苦的时候,才会知道什么是甜美。
Sky is to bird what English is to man. 英语对于人类来说就像蓝天对小鸟一样重要。
"he looked up the starry sky, the man said:" they are drunk a lot, too. “那个人望着满天是星星说”它们跟你一样喝醉了。
What eats rocks, levels mountains, rust metal, pushes the clouds across the sky, and can make a young man old? 什么东西能吃掉石头,移平山脉,腐蚀金属,把云从天空推开,并且让年轻人变老?
The tradesman, the attorney comes out of the din and craft of the street and sees the sky and the woods, and is a man again. 商贾和律师走出了街市的喧嚣和欺诈,见到了蓝天、绿树,于是又复为其人。
A cloudy sky may deter a man from undertaking a journey. 阴暗天色有时使人不敢启程。
To know the wonder of a stardust sky and the wisdom of the man in the moon. 知道梦幻般的星空的神奇以及传说中月上人儿的智慧。